Ezekiel Stephen Calvert


Hanson Phreek



Act One

Scene One


Curtain opens on a young teenage boy, about 15, sitting alone in his room. He is writing a note and lying on the floor next to him is a double-edged knife.


Ezekiel reading what he is writing: Dear Mom, I'm sorry about this. It's not you it's everyone else. Don't blame yourself. I'm doing this to save myself from the pain that people inflict on me everyday. It hurts too much. I just want you to remember that I do love you. Goodbye, Zeik.


He sets the note on his desk and picks up the knife. He looks at the blade almost like he doesn’t  want to do it. He sits on his bed and takes a deep breath. He puts the blade between his knees and slashes both his wrists.


Kara offstage: Zeik, I'm home. Where are you? Knocks on Ezekiel's door. Are you in there? Opens Ezekiel's door and screams. Zeik!?!?


Kara runs out of the room and the curtain lowers. Kara runs out in front of the curtain with a cordless phone.


Kara on phone, frantic: Help, please. My, my son, he slit his wrists. Please hurry.


Guy on phone calm: Ok, the ambulance is on the way, just stay calm. Is he conscious?


Kara pacing: No.


Guy on phone: Ok. Now, what I need you to do is grab some towels and wrap them tightly around his wrists to help slow the bleeding. Can you do that?


Kara runs off stage. The curtain rises. Kara runs into Ezekiel's room with towels, still on the phone, and does what the man told her to do.


Kara: Ok. I got it.


Guy on Phone: Good, now keep putting pressure.


Ambulance sirens can be heard.


Kara silently sobbing, still on the phone: Its here. Thank you.


Kara hangs up. The paramedics come rushing in and crowd around Ezekiel. Kara steps forward some, but still behind the curtain, crying  and the curtain lowers.


Act One

Scene Two


Curtain opens to Kara sitting in a waiting room at the hospital. Next to her is her husband, Mathew, and they are both crying. All around are other patients and nurses going about their routine. A teenage girl, Kay, 16, walks in frowning, tears in her eyes. She walks over to Kara and Mathew.


Kay crying: I came as fast as I could. Do you know how he is?


Mathew also crying: The doctors haven’t come out yet.


Kara sobbing: Why did he do it?


Kay: I don’t know. I just don’t know.


A cell phone rings. Kay sniffles then pulls the phone out of her pocket, and answers it.


Kay on phone: Hello?


Kay’s mother on other end: How’s your boyfriend?


Kay: Mom, they don’t know yet. I call you when we find out.


Kay’s mother: Ok.


Kay hangs up the phone and sits next to Kara and gives her a hug. Kara crys onto Kay’s shoulder as Kay crys. A few minutes pass and then a doctor walks in.


Doctor Meyer: Kara, Mathew, may I have a word with you?


Kara and Mathew nod and stand up. The three walk into the Doctor’s office and sit down. The Doctor takes a deep breath.


Dr. Meyer: Hello, I’m Doctor Meyer. And I was one of the doctors that worked on Ezekiel.


Mathew: How is he, Doc?


Dr. Meyer: We tried everything we could but I’m afraid he died just a few minutes ago.


Kara brakes down into sobs and Mathew tries to comfort her. After a moment, Kara and Mathew thank the doctor and Walk out of his office.


Kay: So…?

Mathew: Frowns and shakes head. No…


Kay: Starts to cry and sits back down. No. It can’t be. He can’t be words fade off as she looks at Kara.


Kay and Kara hold each other and sob, while Mathew stands with an arm around each of them crying. Curtain lowers.


Act Two

Scene One

Curtain rises on a school cafeteria setting. There are High School students everywhere. Center stage is Kay and a group of friends trying to comfort her. It’s three days later and the day before the funeral.


Principal on intercom: Good morning Students and Staff. I have some very bad news to share with everyone. Friday afternoon, Ezekiel Cabra committed suicide. His funeral service is tomorrow. I would know like to have a moment of silence in his memory.


Complete silence, school wide.


Principal: Thank you and have a nice day.


Kay looking rather shabby: Don’t you just love the way that she sounded so happy to have him dead. I swear I could hear her smile and do you hear her laugh during that moment of silence?


Kay’s friends just nod sympathetically.


Kay: I mean she could have had a little respect for those of us mourning his death and turned off her mic… sobs.


Bell rings.


Kay: I’m going to the counselor. I can’t go to class today.


 Everyone slowly leaves and the curtain closes.


Act Two

Scene Two


Curtian opens in the Guidence Counselor’s office. Kay walks in and waits to called in. A few minutes pass and then her counselor walks out of her office.


Mrs. Gobb: Kay, I can see you now.


Kay stands up and follows Mrs. Gobb. They sit down and a silence follows.


Mrs. Gobb: So, how can I help you today?


Kay tears sliding down her cheek: Zeik


Mrs. Gobb understanding: It’ll be ok.


Kay: No it won’t.


Mrs. Gobb: Just give it some time and every thing will work out.


Kay stands up and walks out. Mrs. Gobb stares after her wondering why she left.


Mrs. Gobb: Kay, come back.


Curtain closes.


Act Three

Scene One


Curtain opens in a church where the funeral is taking place. There are lots of people sitting in the pews, most are crying. Kay and her family, as well as Kara and Mathew, are sitting in the front row.


Preist: Is there anybody that wants to say any last words about Ezkeial Stephen Calvert?


Silence. A couple minutes later Kara and Mathew stand up and slowly walk towards the casket holding Zeik. When they reach it they both lay a single red rose beside him. Following them, Kay and her family also walk by and place a few dasies next to the roses. One by one the rest of the people there do the same.


The curtain closes as Kay and Kara hug one last time.


The End